
On delivery of the product, check its condition and that the content matches what you ordered. If you have any claim or complaint, you should call our customer service department on 937767676 or write to the following email:

Change of product

If you wish to change any product, you will have 14 days as of the moment you receive the order. In the event of a defect, we will apply RD 1/2007, where all the consumer’s rights are specified.
If you have any claim or complaint, call our customer service department on 937767676 or write to the following email:, stating the web order number provided on the invoice and the reason for the change. We will replace the defective product with the same one within a maximum term of 14 days or we will give your refund within the following 30 days. If you wish to change the type of material, the amount will be refunded and you will need to place a new order. The costs involved in returning the material and the new order will be met by the client.

Packing conditions

The product must be sent in its original packing and be in the same condition in which it was delivered. If the original packing had arrived within any kind of damage the relevant photographs should be attached to the claim. Prepare the same box that we sent you or a similar one that will guarantee that the return will arrive in perfect conditions. Under no circumstances will we accept a product that has been used by the client.


Products that cannot be returned or changed

We do not accept returns of products that have not been stored in suitable environmental conditions. Paper is sensitive to weather conditions and it should be stored in a cool dry place at a temperature of about 25°C and out of the sunlight.